12 Indispensable Leadership Skills

What skills do you need to lead well? These 12 leadership skills form a thorough and systematic approach to leadership. Master these skills and you will lead well.

Hard Skills – What a leader does

1 – Vision
A leader has fresh vision; he “sees” a future for his organization that is better than the present.

2 – Team Building
A leader develops a great team and together, they accomplish the vision.

3 – Change Agent
A leader is willing and able to negotiate change within the organization.

4 – Execution
A leader is involved in and ultimately responsible for, getting the right things done.

5 – Communication
A leader knows how to use the “leaders voice” and is responsible for good communication among his team and throughout the entire organization.

6 – Develop Leaders
A leader identifies, recruits and trains leaders.

Soft Skills – Who a leader is

7 – Lifelong learning
A leader continually grows and develops as an individual and leads from the overflow of a vibrant life.

8 – Authenticity
A leader knows who he is and how he is unique and lives an authentic life.

9 – Emotional Intelligence
A leader is aware of the emotional world and knows how to properly respond to it.

10 – Character
A leader excels in character (ethics and morality) and possesses key virtues that are essential for leadership.

11 – People Skills
A leader relates to people in a productive and wholesome manner.

12 – Inspire
A leader inspires others; he appeals to intrinsic motivations.

What is your current level of competency in each of the 12 areas? Go to www.learntoleadwell.com to take a free Leadership Skills Assessment Tool. The 108-question tool will assess your competency in each of the 12 areas and will place you on the Leadership Quotient Chat. The tool takes about 14 minutes to complete. You will receive immediate and confidential results.