Thinking carefully about significant thoughts will change your life.
I can help facilitate that process.
Once a week I post a short essay on a topic that will enhance your life and help you lead well. The theme is broad – reflections on life and leadership.
Who’s Don?
- I am 72 years old. I want to live until I die.
- I’ve written 11 books on a wide-range of subjects from emotional health to a children’s book on Proverbs.
- I have a Ph.D. in classical music.
- I’ve traveled to 62 countries, most of them numerous times.
- I wrote and teach a leadership development course – Lead Well.
- I am a Certified Specialist of Wine and certified level 3 with WSET.
- I read lots of books.
- I create pedagogical art.
- I am a member of Mensa.
- My wife is Mary, I have two grown daughters (Lauren and Sarah), a son-in-law (Jonathan), and three grandchildren (Marin, Benjamin, and Claire).
- I am grateful for many friends who continually enrich my life.
About the blog
I only blog once a week. I’ve read that to build a large following a blogger must post at least three times a week but I don’t have that much to say and I’m not going to bore you with banal thoughts or autobiographical trivia.
I put a lot of effort into each post; I start working on them six months in advance and edit them often before they’re ready for you to read.
Please subscribe to my blog and you’ll automatically receive the weekly post as an email. If you benefit from my blog, please recommend it to a friend.
I want to dialogue with readers so please comment when you have something to say.
Feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Thanks Don,
I really enjoy receiving your weekly blogs. Your good thoughts and observations are well articulated. Thank you so much for the work you put into this; I feel sure many are enjoying and benefitting!
Charme, thanks for kind and encouraging words. I hope my posts are beneficial.
Rarely do I look forward to a blog like I do yours. Yours are filled with interesting perspectives and thought-provoking questions that challenge me as I lead my family and my business. I know the time that it takes to do a quality blog and I wanted to thank you.
Thanks, Scott, your kind words mean a lot to me. I do hope my posts are beneficial. Take care, Don
Please add me to your blog. [email protected]. Glenn Huber
Done. Don
Don, I just want to thank you again for your willingness to share your research, your wisdom, and experience. I enjoy getting your emails and have referred to them from time to time in the work I do. In a day or two I’m going to share the story of Ignaz Semmelweiss. I was spurred to read more about him after you essay that reminds us of our tendency to reject ideas because we forget how narrow our own view most surely is. It is kind of a tragic tale, but hopefully telling it helps us be more open to other possibilities. Thank you for your work.
Charme, thanks for kind and encouraging words. I do hope my posts are beneficial. The Semmelweis Effect haunts me, regularly. Take care. Don
I love this About page. May I swipe it? Reword it and use it as my own?
I just returned from the Alaskan Cruise with Chuck Swindoll and purchased, Lifelong Learning, Signature Soulprint and Love One Another, the best purchases I have made in sometime. Thank you.
I was always blessed when I visited a friend to be able to attend Stonebriar Community Church where I was further blessed there as I was during the Conference by your leadership directing the hymn service. God uses you to set a worshipful attitude before each message which is so missing in our churches today.
I would like to order more copies but prefer to do so by phone. Is that possible?
Marty, thanks for getting in touch. An Alaskan cruise with Swindoll is as good as it gets.
Thanks for kind and encouraging words about my books. I can get you additional copies. Email me at [email protected]
Kind regards,
I like to subscribe
Alberto, just go to to subscribe. Thanks.
Don, you have been lately on my mind. Thank you for being diligent with your blog posts. You are important. Your life is important. Your thoughts and words are important.
Thank you!
Richard, thank you for kind and encouraging words. I have fond memories of our times together. I hope you and your family are well. Don
I appreciate your wisdom each week and look forward to it but I recently checked the box that asks for notifications of followup comments. My inbox is filling up and I need to turn this off. I don’t see any place on the site to do this and I don’t want to unsubscribe. Can you help with this?
Hi Rick,
I cannot figure out how to reverse that. So sorry. Do you have an alternate email address that you could cancel your current subscription and then subscribe under the new address? (I’m technology challenged.)
I’d like to subscribe to your blog. Please add me to your list.
Thank you.
Let me know if you don’t receive theme. I publish one post a week on Tuesdays.
Thanks for subscribing.