Someday I won’t be able to do this. Today is not that day.

Several months ago, Mary and I were in Santiago Chili, where we met an intriguing middle-aged woman at dinner. She had just hiked through the Atacama Desert (a barren, desert plateau located off the Pacific coast of South America). She had a local guide for much of the excursion, but at times she was alone.

We were intrigued by her courage and zest for life. She has climbed mountains in Nepal, trekked through the Amazon Rain Forest, and crossed the Sahara. Every year, she uses her vacation time to explore exotic areas of the world.

When asked why she so aggressively pursues remarkable and difficult goals, she replied “Someday, I won’t be able to do things like this. But today is not that day.”

What a great thought. What a great attitude that prompts us to live an aggressive, fulfilling, and engaged life. This phrase is now etched in my mind and motivates me to carry on and keep my hand on the plow.

We’ve all heard cliches like “you only live once” or “your life is not a dress rehearsal so live it to the fullest.” They may be tired, overused phrases, but they’re true and should motivate us to live life to its fullest. 

Every day we’re getting older and one day we will die. So squeeze everything you can from each day. Identify those things you’ve always longed to do and do them. 

This couple waited too long 🙂

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