I love to travel.
I became addicted to travel early in life. Before I graduated from high school I had traveled to 12 countries in Europe and Asia with my church youth choir. Those were transformative experiences.
Twenty years ago, Mary and I set a goal of visiting 60 countries before we die. Next April we’ll visit #’s 58, 59, & 60 (Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay).
Why do I enjoy travel so much?
- An ancient proverb says, “Better to see something once than read about it a thousand times.” You can read about Rome’s Colosseum, Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome (picture above), or Machu Picchu in Peru; but until you experience these places using all five senses, you really don’t understand them-they’re not part of your personal story.
- Mark Twain once remarked: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.” International travel develops a healthy, broad, and more accurate view of the world. Just like a fish doesn’t know it’s in water, we don’t understand our own culture until we’re exposed to other cultures.
- Life is short and the world is huge. I want to “live until I die” because someday I will. Travel now. Investment in travel is an investment in yourself.
I love to travel with friends.
Twelve years ago I started hosting an annual international trip for friends. I truly wanted to use my travel-knowledge to help others experience the wonders of travel. If you’ve not traveled much, it can be intimidating, mysterious, and confusing. My trips make travel accessible, safe, reasonable, and fun.
It’s also beneficial to travel with others-as opposed to traveling solo-because experiences are magnified when we have them with others. When you have an “ah-ha” moment–like seeing the beaches of Normandy– have it with others and it will be more deeply etched into your mind. Also, deep friendships are formed when you’re traveling with a group. Some of the best friends I have are people that I have traveled with often.
Here’s a brochure about the 2024 Travel with Friends trip. I hope you’ll join Mary and me for a life-enhancing 17-days. Please write or call me if you have questions.